Sunday, July 14, 2013

I’m a stranger here myself: at Steak ‘n Shake

We drove out past 30 initially to have dinner at the Chinese buffet, but since it was late in the evening, we decided when we got there that the food on the buffet wouldn’t be fresh. 

As we turned around, we noticed Steak‘n Shake. “A steak and a shake – sounds good, right?” we said, and happily discovered that they stay open 24 hours, which is perfect for a jet lagged family.

We sat down and studied the menu. After a couple of minutes, Courtney and I exchanged puzzled looks and leaned in on each other, whispering “I don’t see any steaks on this menu. This is so strange. Where’s the ‘steak’ in Steak ‘n Shake?” We looked around: nobody was having a steak. Was it possible that they didn’t serve steaks here?

We decided to blend in with the natives, and ordered burgers and shakes. It was all good.

When we came home, we asked Courtney’s mom about the steaks. She gave us a look like the look you would give a small child who is asking questions about something everybody knows, "Do girls have penises too?" and answered as a matter of factly, “No, they don’t have steaks. They serve burgers.” Duh.

Of course. 

We’re the silly foreigners who thought we could order steaks at Steak ‘n Shake.

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