Saturday, September 21, 2013

Past illnesses (insha Allah)

Our rigorous lice treatment paid off; we have not seen a single louse or nit since my last update. The staph infections all cleared up too, sans doctor visits. We thought that was it - as far as illness goes - for a while. Usually we are all healthy, however it seems that when there's one thing, there's always another. Last week the entire family got some kind of stomach bug. Not too violent, but just enough to throw us off a bit, and then during our hike last weekend, I got stung by a bee, which caused an allergic reaction for which I took Benadryl, which knocked me out for an entire day. 

I hope this is it now, because I'm anxious to continue our exploration of this exciting part of the world. It's raining today, so we will not go on a hike, but we need some groceries, and the boys and my husband have some kind of science project in mind, which warrants a trip to Radio Shack and possibly Target for supplies, as far as I understand.

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